Audio Visual Systems


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The Amusement Park Industry, often categorized under Hospitality, is a very specific type of employment, and the jobs available are growing in number. Attraction centers and amusement complexes have grown over the past thirty years, not only in number but in size. From small carnivals or gaming parks, to large multi-resort centers, the technology-based job roster is large and multi-faceted. All over the United States and, for that matter, all over the developed world, these entertainment-based parks and resorts are expanding and evolving to stay cutting edge, profitable and fun for clientele. The audiovisual effects used at amusement parks are often large in scale, and thus so are the corresponding AV systems and technologies present to create them. The creative and technical minds that get to design, install and maintain these audiovisual systems are highly sought after, and often come from a pretty select group of audiovisual professionals.

As one might easily conclude, the creme-de-la-creme of amusement park work is with the mother of all entertainment companies: Disney. Theme parks, resorts, hotels, tours and cruise lines, all from the initial branding point of an animated mouse. Often, on the same lines as event planning and management, there are audiovisual components to jobs that might not usually lean heavily in that direction. Often Stage Managers and Event Coordinators are required by Disney to have some audiovisual knowledge or to receive appropriate training in the field. In Massachusetts, and in Orlando, Florida, Disney is seeking Audio Visual Systems Interns. In Hong Kong the corporation is looking for several different Designers and Technicians to build and run AV systems. Often technical audiovisual work falls under the Disney job title of ‘Entertainment Technician’ especially at particular resort or cruise- line locations. Disney is a respectively good organization to work for, with lots of benefits packages and workers perks extended to employees of all levels. They also like to hire from within and take care of their own, so once a professional has broken through the Disney door, they can find a great deal of continual career growth behind it.

At Disney, and with other entertainment companies and amusement parks getting the desired position is not always easy. This is where audiovisual staffing comes into play. Agencies that do audiovisual staffing often staff multiple sorts of technical jobs. AV staffing agencies interview job seekers and gather together a database of skilled professionals. This database of resumes and portfolios is then used to fill job openings at companies who hire or work with the audiovisual staffing agency. Because AV jobs are often contract-based and short term, it is important to the professionals and to the field at large, that audiovisual staffing agencies are at work to keep the community consistently employed. AV staffing agencies can work with all levels of the industry from interns and technicians, to designers and engineers. These audiovisual staffing agencies are sometimes also responsible for payroll and benefits, acting almost like a moveable human resources department that sends out workers to specific projects and locations. Other agencies simply connect workers with the jobs at hand. For jobs in the amusement and entertainment industry, audiovisual staffing is a key component.