Keeping your workers safe takes priority over everything else in the workplace. And while your workers agree in principle that safety is paramount, they aren’t always receptive to the measures you must take to maintain a safe environment.
Your employees’ attitude plays an essential role in how well your safety culture develops. As in all matters, communication is the key to success. You can choose to close off any discussion when there are complaints from them (After all, it’s not their choice whether to be safe or not), or you can address their concerns and complaints, so they have a better understanding of why you require safety equipment and training.
You’ll improve their viewpoint on matters of safety if you choose the latter. Here are some suggestions on how to speak to some of the most common objections they may have concerning safety.
“PPE makes it harder to do my job.”
Your workers’ Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) protects them from hazards such as chemicals, electricity, heat, biohazards, and airborne particles. Hardhats are required whenever there is potential danger from falling objects. Gloves protect their hands, and safety goggles keep grit and other particles from their eyes. Safety harnesses protect them against falls.
These and other protective equipment are often cumbersome and lead to the most often-heard complaint: They make it harder to do the job.
In some instances, it can help to find out which part of the job is most affected by the PPE. Then, alternative safety products can be substituted satisfactorily. For example, gloves made of a different material could offer equal protection while affording more range of motion.
“Why do we have to sit through this boring training when we already know it?”
Even though it can feel tedious and repetitive at times, safety training is one of the most significant aspects of maintaining a safe workplace. Many workers who have never seen or experienced a safety episode are even more reluctant to attend more training sessions. It’s critical that you stress the importance of keeping the knowledge fresh in their minds because you are committed to keeping all of your workers safe.
“It takes too long to follow all those safety procedures”
Workers often voice this complaint about following the safety requirements. And they have a point. It usually takes longer to complete a task when you’re doing it safely, so it’s essential to allow them enough time to do the job and follow the safety procedures. Instead of compromising the safety, have them look for ways to work more efficiently with all the safety procedures in place. And if they must work more slowly to follow the safety rules, make sure you don’t punish them because of it.
Let Outsource help you find your next electrical or cabling worker!
If you would like assistance finding a safety-conscious electrical professional, contact the experts at Outsource. We are the largest staffing firm in the nation specializing in the placement of low voltage and electrical talent.

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