In the U.S. Structured cabling market, there are a vast number of employment opportunities. Depending on the needs of the community and the economy both at home and at large, individuals with an interest or education in the cabling field will have options to sort through on the way to good solid work. In Los Angeles, the market is very broad, and because of this, L.A. Cabling jobs are quite available. However, finding the right fit doing the right sort of cabling work is more challenging. While there are many subcategories, and certainly job titles and descriptions may vary, most Los Angeles cabling work can be divided into two sections: Large corporation jobs, like those with Time Warner and other household names, and smaller contract based company jobs. Each mode of employment has its benefits and its pitfalls. It is really most important to examine these pros and cons as they affect your needs as a cabling professional.
Larger companies like Time Warner Cable or Comcast provide cabling service both to homes and residences and to businesses and office buildings. These companies have many branches, including sales and marketing wings to help move the product of their cable service. In most areas, they provide internet cabling and network television hook-up and are also often affiliated with the production of local TV and entertainment. Large, nationwide operations like this are usually more stable than smaller and newer companies. The employee benefits are standardized as are the hours and the positions available to be filled. If you are looking for cabling jobs in L.A. it is a wise move to send your resume in the direction of larger companies, even if it is not your preference for work. Because these cable providers own a great scape of the cable networks in urban areas, they have more potential to grow and require new cable installers in places like Los Angeles. A standardized pay rate can be a wonderful thing; you can depend on your pay growth to occur when it ought to. However, this also means that even if your work or experience merits a pay raise or a promotion, you often must wait for the standardization to catch up to you. Saying that the work is simpler with large companies is also somewhat of an inaccuracy. If you’re in a cabling job in L.A. with a large provider you will need to have training and experience. Generally to work will be similar: traveling to homes and businesses to install cable network connections, though occasionally you’ll need to problem-solve a connection issue, and corporate practices may get in the way.
Though Los Angeles is a big city, not all of the cabling jobs are with large companies. Smaller operations do exist for cabling employment in L.A. The work is less standardized, and if you land a job with a small contractor, you may be asked to put into practice more of your cabling skills. The economy is difficult and thus the likelihood that a small or new business will succeed is less than that of a larger staple. The big benefit is usually that there is more freedom. The trust in your work needs to be greater and there will be fewer corporate policies. Your stake in the company can also be larger, as you will have closer personal relationships to the other members and more influence on the operations. The employee benefits are also not as stable in smaller companies, though usually employers do try to make the job worth your while. For L.A. cabling jobs, it is pertinent to look everywhere, but it s also useful to know what you need from a job to happy in and out of your work.
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