Field Employee FAQs

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How to Submit your Timecard on Mobile
How to Submit your Timecard on Desktop
How to View Your Paycheck Stub
How to Submit your Timecard on Mobile
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How to View Your Paycheck Stubs
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How to Submit Time on Desktop
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How to Submit Time on Mobile
How to Submit your Timecard on Mobile
How to Set Up your Direct Deposit Pay
How to Set Up your Direct Deposit Pay
Timecard Sheets by Office Location
COVID-19 Policy
    To take proactive steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please follow all these rules diligently to ensure a healthy and safe workplace. This policy is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines.

General Information
  • The virus that causes COVID-19 can spread very easily between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). It is also possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes.
  • Symptoms for COVID-19 may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
  • People with these symptoms or combinations of symptoms may have COVID-19:
    • Cough or difficulty breathing
    • Or at least two of these symptoms:
      • Fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
  • Further information and updates can be found by visiting the CDC website.
Hygiene and Other Safety Precautions
  • Maintain at least 6 feet of distance from other workers when on site.
  • Use cloth face coverings over your nose and mouth.
  • Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    • Particularly after arriving to work and before leaving work; before and after eating or using the restroom; before and after putting on masks or gloves
    • If soap and water are not accessible, use a hand-sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol and rub hands until they are dry.
  • Keep shared areas and frequently touched surfaces in the workplace clean. Regularly use cleaning agents that are usually used in these areas and follow the directions on the label.
What to Do If You Are Sick
  • Stay home if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms. If you start to have flu-like symptoms while at work, inform your supervisor and go home immediately.
    • Employee must be symptom free without any medication (i.e. fever reducer or cough suppressant) for 24 hours prior to returning to work.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if the symptoms become severe including persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, or bluish lips or face.
Confirmed Case of COVID-19
  • Do not come to work if you are confirmed to have COVID-19 and immediately notify your supervisor.
    • Employee must provide a written medical clearance before returning to work.
  • If you are well but living with or taking care of someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, do not report to work, and inform your supervisor immediately.
    • Any employee who is exposed must not report to work until 14 days without symptoms have passed or they are able to show Outsource a negative Coronavirus test, whichever comes first.
  • Outsource will notify customer, CDC, and/or local health agencies of positive test results and await instruction about the investigation process.
Employees must comply with all site and client specific protocols and are required to let their supervisor know if they do not have the required PPE before going onsite. Outsource will always treat your private health and personal data with high confidentiality and sensitivity. For any other questions or concerns, please reach out to the Human Resource Department at

Updated 5.8.2020
401K FAQs
Q: How do I access my 401k?
A: Please review the attached brochure, Go to and log in. If this is your first time on the Fidelity website, please click on “First Time User” and follow the steps to create an account.
See the importance of saving 1% more..

Q: Why don’t I see the full amount in my Fidelity account, from the check I just received?
A: Outsource applies funds to your account upon approval from our COO (Chief Operating Officer). While the schedule is not set, Outsource is legally obligated to apply funds to your account for each month no later than the 15th day of the following month. Ex: funds for hours worked week ending 8/31/14 (check dated 9/5/14) must be applied to your account no later than 10/15/14.

Q: How can I withdraw my 401k?
A: Employee should contact his/her local Recruiter or Field Coordinator and request to withdraw their 401k funds. Once the request is received, our Human Resources Department will log into Fidelity within 24 hours of receiving the notification to enter the withdrawal request. Please expect 5-7 business days for the funds to be paid out to you directly by Fidelity.

Please note:
  • Per the schedule described above in Question 2, your account cannot not be closed until all funds have been applied to your account.

Ex: funds for check dated 9/5/14 must be in your account no later than 10/15/14. Until these funds are applied, assuming this was your last check including prevailing wage hours, you will not be able to close your account, in order to withdraw all applied funds.

Q: How can I take out a loan against my 401k?
A: To take out a loan, you need to contact Fidelity directly. Fidelity will work with you on the amount you can borrow, as well as the payment and repayment plans. Once you have received paperwork from Fidelity, please go to our Contact Us page, select Contact Option -> “HR Resolution” and submit a request for Human Resources to approve the loan request, on our end. Please expect 5-7 business days for the money to be paid out to you by Fidelity.

Please note:
  • You must be active on a work assignment in order to take out a loan.
  • If an employee submits a request to withdraw funds from their Fidelity account (and is approved) they are not eligible to return to work at Outsource for a minimum of 60 days.

Q: How can I pay back my loan?
A: Once you have worked with Fidelity on the loan amount, you will also have to determine your repayment plan. Repayments are deducted from your weekly paycheck through Outsource. If you stop working with Outsource at any time during your repayment period, you are responsible for contacting Fidelity to manage your repayments directly with them.

Please note:
  • If you fail to make payments independently to Fidelity, you will owe all missed payments plus accrued interest at the end of the year.

Q: Does the Company contribute to my account?
A: Your employer will make Safe Harbor matching contributions to your account based on your contributions. The amount will equal 100% of the first 3% of compensation you contribute to the Plan and 50% of the next 2% of compensation you contribute to the Plan. Highly compensated employees and employees covered by any collective bargaining agreement are excluded from the Safe Harbor matching contribution. To be eligible for matching contributions you are required to make employee deferral contributions.
Paid Sick Leave
Please note:
  • Approved requests will be paid out on the 2nd check date from when the time was taken.
CA Paid Sick Leave
AZ Paid Sick Leave
Seattle Paid Sick Leave
NYC Paid Sick Leave
DC Paid Sick Leave
Expense Reimbursement
This form is for all expenses while on a project/job/assignment. Reimbursement may cover your mileage, materials purchased on behalf of a client, bridge tolls, etc. Please confirm with your recruiter what is able to be reimbursed to you before submitting this form.
Please also remember to submit a receipt for purchases. You can contact your Field Coordinator for any specific questions.
View Form Here
State Exemptions Form
If you have already completed a federal W-4 tax form and live in any of these states, there is some additional information we may need from you. If you wish for your state withholdings to differ from your federal withholdings, please complete the form provided for your state and submit to your Field Coordinator.
District of Columbia
North Carolina
New Jersey
New York
West Virginia
Garnishment FAQs
1. What are garnishments? Garnishments are legally ordered paycheck deductions sent to Outsource by an “issuing authority”. Common issuing authorities are:
  • County Child Support Services
  • State and Federal Franchise Tax Boards (IRS)
  • Medical Benefits Coverage (for your children, and by extension, you)

2. What if I believe the garnishment order was processed in error or too much money is being taken out? All garnishments delivered to Outsource must legally be processed until notified otherwise by the issuing authority. If you feel you are being deducted in error or incorrectly in any way, you must contact the issuing authority sending the Order. If you do not know who the issuing authority is, please contact your Field Coordinator, who will work with Human Resources to obtain details for you.

3. I have spoken with the issuing authority and have worked out a new payment plan/have confirmed no payment should be taken out. Now what? Please contact your Field Coordinator to see if a new Order has been delivered to Outsource. Please note this may take up to 21 business days to be delivered to Outsource.

4. How do I get reimbursed for any money deducted in error? As Outsource makes regular payments to the issuing authority, you will be reimbursed directly by the issuing authority.
Information Changes FAQs
1. Where do I send personal information changes?
You should contact your Field Coordinator for the following:
  • Home address changes
  • Tax deduction election changes
  • Contact Information Changes (personal phone number or email address)
Medical Benefits FAQs
Premiums are deducted from your check each week. If your assignment ends at any time, you have a thirty-day grace period where coverage continues even though you are not actively working. If you ever need an extension on that coverage, you will need to contact the provider to enroll in COBRA. Otherwise, your coverage will be cancelled, and Outsource will not be liable for any medical expenses incurred thereafter. If you are interested in enrolling in medical benefits through Outsource, please email

1. When am I eligible?
To qualify for Outsource’s sponsored/partially paid benefits, we use a 12-month eligibility period. This means that after 12 months of service, your hours worked will be reviewed. If you have work an average of 30-hours per week, you will be considered a full-time employee and your benefits are then eligible to be company sponsored (partially paid by company). This means, the company will pay a percentage of your monthly premiums versus you paying 100% of the monthly premiums. Additionally, as long as you are employed with Outsource, we will also guarantee your enrollment for the following 12-months, even if you drop below the 30-hour average work week that qualifies you as a full-time employee. Termination of the plan will be based upon termination of employment or a greater than 30-day lapse in employment, although you will be eligible for COBRA.

2. How do I enroll?
Please contact your Recruiter and inform him/her you would like to receive information on enrolling in benefits. You will need to confirm your email address as all information will be sent electronically. Your Recruiter will notify Human Resources, who will email you the enrollment paperwork within 24-48 hours of your request. Please select your plan options and send the forms back to Human Resources by the deadline noted in the email sent to you.

3. When am I covered once I enroll?
Enrollment takes a few weeks to process; you are covered the first of the month following the month your enrollment is submitted. Ex: completed enrollment form is sent to Human Resources between the 1st & 14th of the month your coverage will be able to be back dated to that current month. Completed enrollment form submitted to Human Resources between the 15th and end of the month, your coverage will begin the first of the following month.

4. Why have I not received my medical ID cards in the mail?
You should receive your medical ID cards within a few weeks after your enrollment has been processed. You will also receive a confirmation email with your member ID number which you can use to log onto You can print your ID card from there should you need it sooner.

5. How am I paying for my coverage?
Currently, field employees pay 100% for their medical coverage. This payment is deducted automatically from your paycheck weekly, until you cancel, resign, or are terminated, or your assignment ends. If you are unemployed for more than 30 days, your coverage will be cancelled and COBRA information will be mailed to you, should you wish to continue your benefits.

6. How do I make changes to coverage, or cancel it entirely?
To make changes to your coverage, including cancellation, please contact your Recruiter. They will then relay the information to Human Resources who will then contact you to confirm any changes or cancelations.
Payroll FAQs
1. When is my timecard due? All time cards are due no later than 10am on Monday (local time), every week. Time cards are required to:
  • Be approved by a Project Manager/Site Lead/Client by signing your time card. Outsource employees cannot approve your hours. If you are unable to get approval, please make sure your time card is still submitted by 10am Monday; this will increase Outsource chances of getting approval and payment to you on time.
  • Be completed correctly with all required information filled in:
    • Date
    • Job Number
    • Site Name
    • Location
    • Client Name
    • Employee’s Signature
    • Client’s Signature
    • In & Out Hours
  • Be submitted online via web time or scanned and e-mailed to an Outsource office as a PDF document.
2. Where do I submit my time card? 3. When do I get paid?
  • Payroll is processed in weekly basis. You are paid the following Friday after your work week ends.
    • Example: if you work Monday the 1st through Sunday the 7th, you will be paid Friday the 12th.
  • When you receive your money, depends on your selected method of payment.
4. How does Direct Deposit work?
  • Global Cash Card: automatically reflected in your account on Friday.
  • Paper Check: mailed out to you each week on Friday.
  • Regular Financial Institution Direct Deposit: automatically reflects in your account on Friday.
    • Note: United States Postal Service may take up to 7 business days to deliver your paper check. It is advised that you are set up with direct deposit or a Global Cash Card if this is a concern.
5. What do I do when I do not get paid on time, or my check does not arrive within 7 days?
  • If you do not receive your payment as expected, or you suspect your check may have been lost in the mail, please contact your local HR Field Coordinator. The HR Field Coordinator will partner up with the respective Payroll Specialist to resolve the issue. Please note that due to bank regulations, it may take anywhere from 5 to 10 business days for your check to be reissued and/or resent.
6. What do I do if my pay is incorrect?
  • If you notice that your pay is incorrect due to incorrect pay rate, hours entered, and/or deductions, please contact your local HR Field Coordinator immediately. We want to ensure that you are paid accurately and in a timely manner.
Taxes FAQs
1. What taxes should I expect to see on my paycheck? State taxes vary, but expect to see the following basic tax deductions on your paycheck:
  • Social Security Tax (this is a Federal Tax)
  • Medicare Tax (this is a Federal Tax)
  • State Tax (this depends on your W4 selections: number claimed, marital status, etc)
  • Federal Tax (this depends on your W4 selections: number claimed, marital status, etc)
2. What do I do if I believe I am being taxed incorrectly? Please contact your Field Coordinator, who will confirm your W4 selections. Taxes are calculated automatically in our payroll software. Please note that Outsource has no control over the taxes deducted from your paycheck.
Payroll Support Contacts
Lorraine Mercado — Payroll Manager
Corporate 310-765-4501
Meily Beckendorf — Assistant Payroll Manager
Denver 720-496-4723
Vanessa Ortiz — Assistant Payroll Manager
Virginia 703-991-0471
Nestor Mendez — Assistant Payroll Manager
Los Angeles 424-220-6131
Christy McGaffic — Payroll Analyst
Atlanta 404-994-4712
Zenaida Holan — Payroll Specialist
Washington D.C. 703-991-0475
Rebeca Compean — Payroll Specialist
Houston 713-574-1828
Savannah Brodie — Payroll Specialist
Phoenix 623-242-0528
Shannen Avila — Payroll Specialist
Los Angeles 424-321-6371
Deborah Izquierdo — Payroll Specialist
Atlanta 404-994-4309
Melissa Cramer — Payroll Specialist
Phoenix 623-242-0529
Brandon Ramos — Payroll Specialist
Tampa 813-321-0072